Mauro about Christian workshop


Christian was a skilled woodworker and textile printer who led a workshop at Werkstattschule. He first showed us how to work with wood, explaining the different techniques and tools required to carve and shape the wood. He emphasized the importance of precision and patience in woodworking and showed us how to use chisels, gouges, and saws to create intricate designs.

Christian then showed us how to print on textiles using wooden blocks. He explained the different steps involved in creating a block print, from designing the pattern to carving the block and applying the ink to the fabric. He showed us how to use different types of fabrics and inks to achieve different effects and textures.

One of the most exciting parts of the workshop was when Christian show us how to make spirals in the wood. He provided us with blocks of wood and showed us how to use a saw and chisels to shape the wood into the desired form. It was amazing to see how a simple block of wood could be transformed into a beautiful, intricate sculpture with the right tools and techniques.

Overall, the workshops at Werkstattschule were an incredible learning experience, and I feel fortunate to have had the opportunity to work with such skilled craftsmen. I learned so much about different materials, techniques, and tools, and I feel inspired to continue exploring the world of woodworking and textile printing.


Mauro about Jörg workshop


Notes from a volunteer diary - Mauro